7-8 September 2023Espanet-Europe – University of Warsaw – “The subnational dimension of social investment: perspectives, opportunities and challenges”: Gemma Scalise and Anton Hemerijck chaired 3 sessions on Subnational Social Investment at the Annual Espanet-Europe Conference at the University of Warsaw

15 September 2023Espanet-Italy – University of Milano Statale – “Targeting the Most Vulnerable Groups on the Labor Market: What Regulatory Trajectories in Europe?”: Gemma Scalise and Werner Eichhorst presented the 3 vulnerable groups studied in the CITILab project from a comparative perspective

18 September 2023: Gemma Scalise presented the CITILab project at the “Work, participation and Income” Department of Amsterdam City

25-29 September 2023: Two postdoc of the Milan team take part to the Summer School of the Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC)

20 October 2023: Gemma Scalise coordinates a roundtable on “Gender inequality in the labour market” at the Jobless Society Forum at Fondazione Feltrinelli

30 October 2023: Intermediate meeting between Amsterdam and Milan research teams at University of Milan-Bicocca on fieldwork research progress

18 January 2024: Gemma Scalise and Werner Eichhorst presented the 3 vulnerable groups studied in the CITILab project from a comparative perspective, “Shaping the low pay/low skill labour market in four major EU member states: Explaining diverging trajectories”, University of Amsterdam, conference “Future of European Social Citizenship Conference” (EUsocialCit Project)

31 January – 3 February 2024: CITILab research teams presenting the first results of the project at the Annual Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) Conference at the University of Cagliari, Department of Political and Social Sciences

  • 2 February 2024: Gemma Scalise and Jurgena Myftiu (Unimib) presented “Do social investment policies work for vulnerable workers? A comparison between two metropolitan regions in Europe” at the Annual Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) Conference at the University of Cagliari, Department of Political and Social Sciences
  • 2 February 2024: Gemma Scalise and Giulia Colombini (Unimib) presented “Vulnerable workers in post-industrial cities. Comparing the strategies of Milan and Amsterdam to overcome the Matthew effect of labour market policies” at the Annual Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) Conference at the University of Cagliari, Department of Political and Social Sciences
  • 2 February 2024: Gemma Scalise and Cristina Burini (Unimib) presented “PNRR e politiche del lavoro. La governance del programma GOL nel contesto lombardo” at the Annual Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) Conference at the University of Cagliari, Department of Political and Social Sciences

20 May 2024 CITILab dissemination: Event with Anton Hemerijck at Fondazione Feltrinelli, talking about inequality and Social Investment, starting from the book “Who is afraid of the welfare state now?” (OUP, 2024)

23 May 2024 – Jurgena Myftiu presents WP2 results (quantitative analysis and indicator development) at SIEDS conference – Società Italiana Economia, Demografia e Statistica

27 May 2024CITILab dissemination: Gemma Scalise (Unimib) and David Bokhorst (EUI) present and discuss with scholars and stakeholders the results from WP3, the cases studies on Social Investment in Milan and Amsterdam – at University of Milan-Bicocca, within the Milan Social Policy Seminars (MiSPS)

13-14 June 2024 Gemma Scalise (Unimib) presents the CITILab project at the EASP FISS Joint Conference (East Asian Social Policy Network) – Kyoto International Conference Center

3 July 2024 – Gemma Scalise and Anton Hemerijck organised a session on the CITILab project “Laboratories of Social Investment. Post-industrial Cities and the Shifting Boundaries of Welfare Provision” at the Council for European Studies (CES) – Annual Conference – at Sciences Po Lyon and University of Lyon, with the participation of the network of social investment researchers from other European cities

  • Meike Bokhorst, Anton Hemerijck, David Bokhorst and Tijn Croon discuss the results of the CITILab project “The city as emerging welfare actor: Amsterdam, between stopgap and innovation hub” at the Council for European Studies (CES) – Annual Conference – at Sciences Po Lyon and University of Lyon
  • Gemma Scalise and Cristina Burini (Unimib) discuss the results of the CITILab project “A Social Investment Favourable Context in an ‘Unfitting’ Country? An In-depth Study On Labour Market And Inclusion Policies In Milan” at the Council for European Studies (CES) – Annual Conference – at Sciences Po Lyon and University of Lyon

5-6 December 2024CITILab project organises the International Workshop on “Laboratories of Social Investment” at the European University Institute (EUI) in Fiesole

21 January 2025 – Jurgena Myftiu presents the article “Unveiling Social Investment in Metropolitan Areas: A Composite Indicators Approach” at the Winter Workshop 2025 of the Department of Economics of the University of Bergamo, Castione della Presolana