The second work package (WP2) is coordinated by Alessandra Michelangeli (UNIMIB) and carried out by one UNIMIB post-doc and supported by one EUI post-doc. The WP is dedicated to the quantitative analysis and development of territorial indicators of inequality.

The analysis aims to

(1) scrutiny data sets and sources and triangulate them to map the economic and social context of Milan and Amsterdam measuring social and labour market characteristics, the employment quantity and quality and disadvantages of the three investigated social groups (e.g., employment/unemployment trends, sectors, types of contract, relative poverty and risk of social exclusion) and investigate the required skills for the local economy;

(2) develop a new kit of territorial indicators of inequality to measures and evaluate the compound inequalities experienced by the three vulnerable groups and the impact of existing policies on them, in the metropolitan contexts of Milan and Amsterdam.

The analyses will be based on multiple sources: time-series data from the OECD regional data, Eurostat city data, over
the time-span 2000-2020, and primary data provided, for Milan, by regional and municipal statistics offices and by local social partners and associations which already collaborate with the project’s leading institution, University of Milan-Bicocca (CGIL Milano; Assolombarda; LEDHA coordination of association for the rights of people with disabilities); and for Amsterdam, by city statistic offices, University of Amsterdam and Dutch social partners which already collaborate with the European University Institute (project partner).

A quantitative working paper on the three investigated social groups and one comparative report on inequality measured in Milan and Amsterdam will be delivered. Three articles on national and local magazines will be published to communicate to wider public about research progress and preliminary results from data analysis.